
This component is tailor made for reading periodically updated csv file written by the Maridis engine monitoring software and writing it to NetCDF files.

Its function is governed by the input file, where the various options are as follows:

  • Options:
    • PeriodMs: [1000] The period of running an iteration of the component, specified in ms.
    • TryReadIntervalMs: [100] The period between trying to read the csv data if previous attempt failed.
    • TryReads: [4] The number of retries if the previous attempt to read the csv file failed.
    • OutputPrefix: The path prefix for the netCdf file to write. A timestamp will be added to the file name.
    • Inputfile: The path to the csv file to read.

An example input file is shown below and in MaridisFileMonitor.yml.

PeriodMs: 5000
TryReadIntervalMs: 1000
TryReads: 3
OutputPrefix: "test/test_maridis_"
Inputfile: "maridis.csv"